Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC)
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee ("SSC" or Parent Committee), is a non-profit charitable organization that is responsible for providing financial support to the Commanding Officer of 604 Moose RCACS. The SSC is made up of parent volunteers that are elected to the Executive Committee (EC) and others that are appointed as directors.
The SSC meets generally monthly where the EC and the Commanding Officer provide information to the membership and are open for questions. Membership in the SSC is free and all parents are welcome to join. As the SSC is operated as a non-profit charitable organization, there is a yearly Annual General Meeting (AGM) where the EC is elected.
The SSC is affiliated with the Air Cadet League of Canada - Alberta Provincial Committee. The Cadet program is made up of a partnership of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Air Cadet League. Each partner is responsible for various funding responsibilities and the SSC is the lowest level of the Air Cadet League organization and is responsible for 604 Squadron only.
Executive Committee Positions
Chair - Richard Cary
Communication liaison between Blue Team, Air Cadet League and 604 parents. Oversees parent-related involvement with 604 operations and ensures all policies, set by the Air Cadet League and 604 Moose are carried out.
Vice Chair - Deon Harrold
Act in the place of the Chair in their absence. Assist where needed.
Treasurer - Ashley Orr
Manage and maintain an accurate account of receipts and disbursements. Participate in planning and investing for 604. Present a financial report of both General and Casino Accounts at monthly SSC meetings and be well versed in and adhere to AGLC guidelines.
Secretary - Kerri Singh
Responsible for preparing and distributing monthly SSC agendas, recording SSC meeting minutes, distributing them in a timely manner and storing them securely. Also responsible for maintaining a current parent email and phone list for communicating 604 related business.
Director Positions
Volunteer Screening Director
Manages the screening process for new 604 volunteers
Casino Director
Responsible for attending AGLC info session, adhering to all AGLC policies and coordinating volunteer schedule at Casino. The 604 SSC works charitable casinos in order to generate funding for the squadron. We typically work casinos every 18-24 months, and are in need of several parent volunteers to be successful. When we learn of an upcoming casino, we will notify all of the parents at that time to solicit volunteers
Canteen Director
Manages the operation of the Canteen including buying and selling products, managing the finances and coordinating volunteer help.
Awards & Scholarship Director
Liaison between SSC EC and the Military side of our operations on all matters related to Awards and Scholarships available to Air Cadets.
Fundraising Director
Oversees and assists with Fundraising initiatives as needed.