Squadron History
604 “Moose” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, also known as 604 Moose Squadron, is proud to provide cadets with dynamic leadership and a learning conducive environment.
Royal Canadian Air Cadets

The Royal Canadian Air Cadets (French: Cadets de l'Aviation royale du Canada) is a Canadian national youth program for young individuals aged 12 to 18. Under the authority of the National Defence Act, the program is administered by the Canadian Forces (CF) and funded through the Department of National Defence (DND). Additional support is provided by the civilian Air Cadet League of Canada (ACL). Together with the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets and Royal Canadian Army Cadets, it forms the "largest federally funded youth program in the country." Cadets are not members of the military and are not obliged to join the Canadian Forces.
The first squadrons were established in 1941 to train young men for duties during World War II. Today the focus is on general aviation within the aim: "To instill in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership; promote physical fitness; and stimulate an interest in the activities of the Canadian Forces."
The majority of cadet training takes place at the local squadron during the regular school year, with a percentage of cadets selected for summer training courses at various cadet summer training centres located across Canada. Central to the air cadet program are the gliding and flying courses offered to air cadets who qualify. One in five private pilots in Canada is an ex-air cadet, and 67% of commercial and airline pilots began their careers as an air cadet. There are 454 squadrons located across the country with enrollment of over 26,000 Air Cadets.
604 History
604 “Moose” Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, also known as 604 Moose Squadron, is proud to provide cadets with dynamic leadership and a learning conducive environment. 604 Moose is one of the oldest and largest Air Cadet Squadrons in Calgary and has a proud history of success that has produced many of today’s leaders in the Calgary community and beyond. We currently have 160 cadets on strength with 10 Officers and Civilian staff.

Through training such as flying, survival and leadership instruction, cadets are prepared to take on the challenges of life. The lessons each cadet learns during their stay at 604 are valuable life skills. Cadets also receive experience working as a team in order to accomplish objectives. For example, on Squadron level exercises, cadets are actively engaged in the operation and maintenance of a survival oriented camp environment. Each cadet will also receive the opportunity to develop personal experience and will have a fun time doing it.
Cadets is not all hard work, though. Social events such as team building events, annual Christmas parties, mess dinners and Tri-Service dances provide ample opportunity for cadets to have an active social life, not only within their own Squadron, but also with members of the other two Cadet Elements. Summer training creates friendships that will be cherished for the rest of each cadet’s life. As well, during the training year, cadets travel and get the cadet experience by attending events such as Honour Band and Drill Competitions.
604 Moose has a prominent role in the community. The Squadron was proud to celebrate its 60th year in 2015 by earning Top Squadron in the entire Northwest Region (covering all three prairie provinces and all three northern territories).